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a graphic designer with a flair for pretty nice creations


Jun 12, 2016
Chocolate Chip Banana Bread
1/2 cup butter 1 cup sugar 2 eggs 3 mashed bananas 3 tbsp sour milk (regular milk with 1 tsp lemon juice) or 3 tbsp sour cream 1 tsp...

May 18, 2016
Product Review: Amy's Broccoli Pot Pie
Amy's (made with organic vegetables) broccoli pot pie with cheddar cheese sauce is amazing. Need a vegetarian pot pie? This is what to...

Apr 24, 2016
Beginner's Frosted Cinnamon Rolls
I made some cinnamon rolls from scratch today. I felt like I had earned them. I halved the recipe - cause who needs 12 huge cinnamon...

Mar 13, 2016
Butternut Squash
I've never made a butternut squash before today! But I had great success. Because I was experimenting, I made two batches, one sweet and...

Mar 9, 2016
Pancake Cupcakes With Maple Bacon Buttercream Frosting
8 slices bacon 1/4 cup maple syrup Cupcakes 2 cups all-purpose flour 1 tablespoon granulated sugar 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon...

Feb 28, 2016
Golden Grahams S’mores
My boss made these for our Christmas party. I'm obsessed with rice crispy treats, but today I may have a new favorite thing. That's...

Sep 20, 2015
Saltine Toffee
My neighbor calls this "Christmas Crack."

Aug 26, 2015
Maple Acorn Squash
​ I'm not a huge fan of vegetables. These acorn squash were pretty good, though - something I would eat again. I found the recipe in the...

Aug 10, 2015
Mushroom and Wild Rice Wrap
I found this recipe on the Kraft Foods website a long time ago and it as been one which I have enjoyed making for years. It's really...

Aug 2, 2015
Blueberry Muffins
When we were growing up, my mom would make blueberry muffins to go with chili (Texas Chili). She used this same recipe, but instead of...

Jul 19, 2015
Oatmeal Fudge Bars
I was browsing through my cookbooks this weekend and found this great recipe. Making desserts from scratch isn't as much work as people...

Jul 19, 2015
Pork chops
Hubby and I cooked these the other night. We are planning to add some more to the marinade recipe. We'll let you know how it develops. He...

Jun 20, 2015
Perfect Peanut Butter Cookies
I found this awesome recipe for Peanut Butter Cookies on this blog - well, I found it on Pinterest, but it led me to this blog. They're...

May 5, 2015
S'mores Brownies
I love s'mores. There's nothing better. I present to you: S'mores brownies. 16 graham crackers 2 tablespoons melted butter 1 package...

Apr 5, 2015
One Pot Tomato Basil Pasta
Here's another fantastic Pinterest find. It definitely tastes as good as it looks. It's originally from Martha Stewart. I ate it just as...

Feb 17, 2015
Rice Crispy Treat S'mores
Make these amazing rice crispy treats: 1 stick unsalted butter, plus extra for the pan 1 10-ounce bag marshmallows Heaping 1/4 tsp coarse...

Aug 19, 2014
Protein Balls
Last weekend I was able to hang out with my cousin's wife and she gave me a sample of this energizing treat. Typically when I hear the...

Aug 7, 2014
Watermelon Cake
Thanks to Bird on A Cake for this great recipe. I'll start off by saying that I hate watermelon. I have a coworker who asked for a...

Jul 4, 2014
Crockpot Ribs
I made some crockpot ribs this weekend. As far as ribs go, they're relatively easy. Even quicker: buy some BBQ sauce instead of making...

Jul 3, 2014
Pesto Pizza
Super easy pesto pizza! I had some leftovers from my awesome bruschetta, so I decided to make some pizza. Store bought pizza dough (the...

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